2021 Publishing Year

 Due to some changing circumstances this year, my productivity should increase.

I say that every year because every year there are changing circumstances, and no doubt this year there will be circumstances that change that I did not forsee.

However, at this point, as I sit here on January 2nd 2021 in blissful ignorance of what may lie ahead, the following things should might happen.

In February, Marrying Michelle, the third book in the Dating Daisy/Promising Penny series should be published.

In March, the third book in the Clearlake County series should be published.

After that, there will be a new trilogy. I wrote the first book in the Lockdown back in April, and my plan dream is to write two more.

Then there will be a fourth book in the City of Sails series.

There will also be some rebranding, starting with the romantic comedies.

So far I have this cover and so far am liking it. As you can see, it needs some sort of border but you get the gist. A  bit of work to be done, but it's a lot of fun designing covers, and I embrace the challenge. So there you go. A pretty full on year!

~ Joanne