Marrying Michelle excerpt

 Here's an excerpt from Marrying Michelle. This really is one of my favourite books, and is just .99.

Daisy had organised a flash sale to make room for new books but had a last minute doctor’s appointment, so Michelle was in the shop on her own.

As she placed books in bags and rang up sales, it struck her how everything had changed for Daisy and it had changed so fast. The shop had been on the cusp of closing—Daisy’s accountant sister, Petunia, had even told her to cut her losses and close—but Daisy’s dream had been stronger than the risk of making an even bigger mess of things. Together, Daisy and Michelle had rebranded, built up their online presence, brought in speakers that attracted more affluent, professional women to the shop, and Dreams by Poppy was doing well for what was still a traditional bricks and mortar store.

And Daisy had married Joel and again that had changed her life, and now she was about to become a mother.

Maybe my life could change just as fast.

Michelle promptly snorted on the notion of such good luck as the doorbell sounded and Joel strode in.

“I’ve got half an hour to cover your break,” he announced as he reached the counter and checked his phone.

“Only thirty minutes? Daisy said you’d give me a whole hour.”

“That was the plan but something came up with a student. Major meltdown material over a doctoral thesis. She’s on the verge of calling it quits. Again. Did you have plans?”

She shrugged vaguely. “Not really. I’ll be back in half an hour then.”

“Are you going upstairs?” he asked hopefully. “In case you’re needed?”

“No such luck, Doc. I’ll be back in thirty, promise.”

She took her bag from under the counter and walked up the street to Ponsonby Road, where she stopped in at a dairy to buy a can of lemonade. Then she crossed the road, walked along to the park, and found a spot under the shade of a tree. She sat cross-legged on the grass, took her protein bar out of her bag, opened the lemonade, and glanced around. The park was busy with people on their lunch break but even so, there was a comforting peace about it.

She took a bite of her bar, then pulled a notebook and pencil case from her bag.

She chose a pencil from the case and opened her notebook. (end of excerpt)

Go to the Dating daisy series page here, scroll down and you'll find the links to Marrying Michelle on Kobo, Nook, Apple and Amazon.