A fruitful week

 It has been another fruitful week, writing wise. The new book is coming along with many words written and I hope to have finished a first draft in a week. I am considering submitting this to a traditional publisher, to see if it interests them. I'll need to work on the first three chapters and write up a synopsis but it is something I have at the front of my mind. 

Some traditionally published romance novels by New Zealander Essie Summers

It has been an experiment in plotting out a book at the beginning, and then writing a first draft. I think it has gone quite well, and it may well be the way I write future books, and that the more I do it, the better I get at plotting. I toyed with the idea of dictation a few weeks back (and mentioned it in a blog post) and I went and looked for the recorder I thought would be good, but the one I wanted wasn’t in stock, and I couldn’t be bothered ordering it. Fickle, what! However, it may still be something to consider in the future.

Barbara Cartland was famous for dictating her books to her secretary who would then type them up. Apparently she would produce 6000 words in an afternoon, which sounds good to me, without the repetitive strain injury/occupational overuse issues – a very good reason to consider it!