Crossword puzzle craze

I read a blog post a few days ago on the craze of Crossword Puzzles. 

In the 1920s, it had become a huge craze, even described as a 'cult' and an 'epidemic'. 
One quote in the post from America, claimed, “there have been reports of police magistrates sternly rationing addicts to three puzzles a day, with an alternative of ten days in the workhouse, because wives have complained that their misguided spouses have been neglecting the support of their families."

It's amusing, looking back now, considering that puzzles are seen as a good way to aid in preventing dementia. It reminds me of when I researched romance novels a few years ago for a study project and how romance novels, especially the shorter category-length novels a la Harlequin, were blamed for all sorts of problems in people's (ie women's) lives as well.

Here's the link to the Crossword Puzzle post:

~ Joanne