
 Autumn is well and truly here.

My favourite time of the year. It's starting to get cool, there's the promise of winter, and it is scarf and jacket season.

Daylight saving is over (yes!) and its dark when its supposed to be dark. Plus the beaches get a little moody which is rather nice. Sparkling blue water is spectacular but so is stormy and atmospheric.

Writing wise, I am working on a new book in the City of Sails series.  There is no title yet and there are two new characters but the book is 2/3 complete and I have no idea how it ends.

Wait! I tell a lie. Of course I know. Its a romance, so there will be a nicely-tied up, happy ever after.

After that, I will do a third book in the Frazier Bay series so that should keep me out of mischief for a while.