It's all good

I was thinking a while ago that if I'd referred to my writing as a "hobby," I'd have given myself a resounding slap on the hand because it was never a mere "hobby." It was meant to be my job. It's what I always wanted to do, write novels, and calling it a hobby was just disrespectful. Plus, how are you ever going to be successful if you don't think you will be? Positive Thinking 101 and all that.

But the fact is that in spite of efforts to write what I hope are really good books, and winning an award last year (huge highlight), and despite advertising and promoting, the fact is that on the financial side of it, it is more of a hobby than a career.  It is a very time consuming hobby. One that costs a bit of money.  If I relied on it to earn my keep, I'd have been bankrupt years ago.

But that's actually okay.

It would be nice to earn enough money to take a trip overseas. It would be nice to earn enough to live off and pay the bills and not have to have a day job. Fortunately I like my job and have the best workmates so that's all good, too.

In the end, I've decided that it boils down to actually liking writing the stories and publishing them so they can be read. I like creating the characters and the worlds and seeing where the plot will go. I love it when I'm on a roll with a comedy, and read back over it and laugh out loud. Although, sadly for me, one of my favourite books is one that no-one really seems to like but I don't like everything I read either. 

In fact, I have concluded that if I never make enough money to buy more than a few cappuccinos (with chocolate) a week, or if I never hit a bestseller list, or win another award, no worries.  It's not that the dream has sailed. Hell no!  I'll keep looking ahead. I'll keep on writing and promoting and attending the conferences and entering contests, and upskilling, and getting a lift when I see a four or five star rating or a lovely review. 

In the end, it actually is about writers writing so we can read the books we want to read, because reading a story that gives you a lift is a brilliant thing, whether you buy it or borrow it. Reading is the best thing ever. 

And on that note... its time to get away from the laptop, make a coffee, and settle down with a library book I am really looking forward to getting into! Sounds about perfect to me.

(Picture of steps in the bush at the Hunua Ranges, Auckland.)