Non creative work

Update: I am taking a break from new writing to focus on getting my books into print. Then they can be available for libraries, which would be fabulous.

There's quite a bit to do, and I also want to get them into Large Print as well. I have proofs to check over and once I make the final decision, which isn't actually final as it can be changed at any time, they'll be on the books pages across the different retailers where I sell my books.

There are very important things to decide. Like, is the cover glossy or matte? Is the paper white or off-white? What do I put on the back cover so that anyone picking the book up reads a description that makes them want to take the book out?

It is, however, also kind of fun to do.

But it will also be just great to get it out of the way and what's more, to be able to buy my own copies so I can have them sitting on the bookshelf in the lounge. Or maybe I'll buy myself bulk copies so they're in every room of the house.

I've also been rejigging the website, and checking links and all that kind of stuff. I had also discovered that my signup link to the newsletter wasn't working properly. Yikes. It's all good now, though (she said with crossed fingers.)

If you did sign up and didn't get a response, ie an email from me within a day, then sign up again. You should be getting a Welcome email with info on the free book to download, and then the regular newsletter which comes out about once a month.

~ Joanne.