
When I'm writing (or really, when I'm awake) I drink a fair bit of tea and coffee. When I say coffee, I am talking instant. Out of a jar. 

As for tea, I drink English Breakfast, and with both beverages, I like it with milk.  Plus apparently my bones need the calcium and I love milk. A milkshake, and I'm in heaven.

Yorkshire Tea

But there is always talk about caffeine and the diuretic effect of it, and I found some things lately that suggest coffee and tea aren't all that diuretic at all. 

Then I found an article on a Tea website which says if you let English Breakfast steep for shorter times, the caffeine is way, way less.

I was quite pleased about that because I don't tend to like strong tea. So if you steep your tea for a minute, which is okay by me, there is only 14 g of caffeine it it. Three minutes which is about the maximum steepage for my taste, and the cup only has about 22mg of caffeine. A whole five minutes though and you've got 42mg of caffeine in that cup (and a rather vile strong cup of tea.) 400mg is the limit of caffeine per day you should be having. 

So in other words, I could be drinking eight cups of tea a day if I wanted to, it hasn't got a bad amount of caffeine, I am getting nicely hydrated, and I am putting calcium in my bones to boot. Amazing!